Django JET Calm announcement

Published on 12 Nov 2022

Django JET is a open-source project of django admin started by Denis Kildishev. It disrupted the traditional admin theme with it's new fresh look and awesome features like Autocompletion, Bookmarks, Ajax based object edit form and many more. However, the founders announced a SaaS product Jet Admin in 2019; and frozen the feature development in Django JET project.

Since then many developers forked and maintained their own version of django jet. But jQuery and jQuery-UI packages remained in old versions with many vulnerabilities continue to live in it. The main reason for hesitant to upgrade these packages might be due to drastic change in jQuery-UI component structure which is going to break most of UI components of JET.

But that's not the end. I'm happy to announce that it's been rebooted with latest jQuery (v3.6.1) and jQueryUI(v1.13.2) along with support for Django 4. Feel free to install in your project, or fork it from here; Django JET 3 Calm

Special thanks to,

  • Forked repositories from where few fixes related to jet-filters were taken.
  • My parents and Dolly Shyam; a colleague and friend who supported and stood by side in difficult situations.

Repository Details

Link: Github


  • Upgraded to latest jQuery (v3.6.1) and jQuery UI (v1.13.2).
  • Upgraded select2 plugin to latest version (AMD build).
  • Added a new theme.